And we've done this for a number of organizations that are on Google today and looking to go to Microsoft 365. We gather up all the financial data and we line them up side-by-side to see what is the current state versus what is the potential future state with Microsoft 365. And so, everything from security to compliance, to teamwork and collaboration needs, to advance analytics and telephony needs. And part of that (Solution Assessment) process is we actually dive deep into the financials of how organizations leverage the tools to support their cloud services. We are a Microsoft preferred partner for what's called a Modern Workplace Solution Assessment. Ultimately, we believe that using the Microsoft 365 cloud platform for communication and collaboration to support your organization, may be less expensive than using Google. The first is cost, the second is simplicity, and the third is commitment. We believe there are three primary reasons why every nonprofit, really every organization, not just nonprofits, but especially nonprofits, should look at Microsoft 365 as the platform to support their organizational needs for the long term. Specifically, what we're here to talk about is migrating from Google to Microsoft 365 in the nonprofit sector. Sitting on all three sides of the table, I've had a bird’s-eye view to how Microsoft has built the modern collaboration and communication, and ultimately security and compliance stack with Microsoft 365. First as a customer, then working for Microsoft directly, and now as a partner. I've got over 20 years’ experience working with Microsoft.

I’m Steve Cummings, VP of Digital Workplace and I’m leading the nonprofit business unit for Valorem Reply.